Seven Corners Insurance
We take the time to listen to your needs.
Whether you are looking for group or individual coverage, be assured that we have researched the marketplace for you and will only recommend highly rated companies.
Reside Blue Group
Professional Mariners require a medical program that they can depend on to protect them throughout the world. Regardless of the type of vessel, Mariners require coverage that provides security, flexibility and benefits unique to today’s Marine Industry demands. Sail and travel anywhere with the confidence that you are protected with comprehensive, marine specific coverage providing the safety that you deserve. You have a true universal policy created for the Mariner Lifestyle.
Reside Blue Group provides coverage onboard the vessel and when signed off or on personal leisure time.
Reside Blue Group acts primary to a vessel’s Protection and Indemnity insurance. Protection & Indemnity or P&I insurance policy is not designed nor intended to offer comprehensive medical protection. It does not act as a benefit to the employee rather it is a necessary risk management tool for the owner.
Program Advantages for Employers and Employees
Reside Blue Individual
Professional Mariners require a medical program that they can depend on to protect them throughout the world. Regardless of the type of vessel, Mariners require coverage that provides security, flexibility and benefits unique to the demands of today’s Marine Industry.
With coverage onboard the vessel and when signed off, you have a true universal policy, created for the Mariner Lifestyle. Sail and travel anywhere with the confidence that you are protected with comprehensive, marine specific coverage providing the safety that you deserve.
Liason International
Designed for international travelers who are concerned about an unexpected medical condition arising overseas, Travel Medical Insurance not only provides comprehensive medical protection while abroad, but also secondary services that are of utmost importance away from home.
Since 1993, international travelers throughout the world have relied on Seven Corners’ travel medical programs to provide the coverage they need. Whether you are a U.S. citizen traveling overseas or a foreign national visiting the United States, we have the program to provide you coverage for as little as 5 days and renewable up to 3 years.
Reside Worldwide
Reside Prime
Reside Prime is designed to offer comprehensive health insurance benefits to international citizens by following the benefit plans of a US medical program.
Reside is a “Scheduled Benefit Plan” with specified amounts payable for certain treatments. This allows insureds to receive precise benefits for the coverage purchased.