Luxury Property & Valuable Assets Insurance

Your personal property includes a wide variety of valuable assets and may include anything from fine jewelry and accessories to a collection of vintage wine. Some of these assets may be on display in your home, vacation home or yacht and some will travel with you. The Atlass Insurance Group can work with you to develop a plan to identify, appraise, secure and protect your portfolio of personal assets with confidentiality and professionalism.

Designed Especially for Homes Valued Over $1.0 Million

The Atlass Insurance program is a plan for wealthy individuals and families to protect their assets, including permanent and secondary residences and vacation homes, regardless of location. Atlass programs include excess liability, domestic employee liability, kidnap and ransom, and liability umbrellas. Call Atlass Insurance Group to design the plan that best meets your personal property and luxury assets insurance needs.

Properly Protecting Your Assets is a Sound Business Investment

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